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CLEF 2010: Padua, Italy
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School Coordinator
Carol Peters is a researcher at the “Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione” of the Italian National Research Council. Her main research activities regard the development of multilingual access mechanisms for digital libraries and evaluation methodologies for cross-language information retrieval systems. Her publications are focused on the fields of computational lexicography and cross-language information retrieval. She was coordinator of the European Union Sixth Framework project MultiMatch: Multilingual/Multimedia Access to Cultural Heritage ( and currently coordinates the EU Seventh Framework project TrebleCLEF: Evaluation, Best Practice and Collaboration for Multilingual Information Access and the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) a cross-language information retrieval system evaluation activity ( She is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Digital Libraries and of ERCIM News, magazine of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. |
Martin Braschler holds the title of Professor ZFH and a position as lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur. He studied computer science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich, leading to a degree of MSc ETH, and received the degree of Dr. sc. from University of Neuchatel in 2004. He has been active in IR research since 1997, with an emphasis on cross-language IR. A stay as visiting researcher at the National Institue of Standards and Technology NIST was the beginning of his involvement with CLIR evaluation, and he was responsible for the technical coordination of the core activities of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum CLEF in its early years. Aside from his academic record, he formerly was head of research and innovation at Eurospider Information Technology AG, a Swiss IR solution provider that develops cutting-edge IR technology for commercial applications. |
Paul Clough is a Lecturer in Information Systems at the University of Sheffield. He is a member of the Information Retrieval Group and the Database Group. His main interests are Multimedia Information Retrieval (IR), Geographic IR, Multilingual IR and using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies within IR applications. Paul is currently PI in three EU-funded projects: MultiMatch, Memoir and TrebleCLEF. The MultiMatch project aims to develop a multilingual search engine for accessing multimedia cultural heritage material. The Memoir project is investigating the use of technologies to improve information access of our personal memories. The TrebleCLEF project aims to promote evaluation, best practice and collaboration for multilingual information access. Recently, Paul has been an overall coordinator of an international evaluation campaign for image retrieval called ImageCLEF. Paul has published over 60 papers in refereed international journals and conferences on a variety of topics including information access, text reuse and evaluation. [] |
Franca Debole is a temporary researcher at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies one of the institute of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa, Italy. Her main research interests include text categorization and information retrieval; XML data structure; search engine technologies and multilingual information retrieval. In the last three years she was involved in a EU-funded projects MultiMatch project aims to develop a multilingual search engine for accessing CH material. At the moment she is working on a eContent plus project the European Film Gateway. |
Maarten de Rijke is full professor of Information Processing and Internet in the Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam. He holds MSc degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics (both cum laude), and a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science. He worked as a postdoc at CWI, before becoming a Warwick Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. He joined the University of Amsterdam in 1998, and was appointed full professor in 2004.
He leads the Information and Language Processing Systems group. While relatively young, this group has rapidly established itself as one of the leading academic research groups in information retrieval in Europe. His current focus is on intelligent web information access, with projects on search and discovery for informal text, vertical search engines, question answering, weakly or semi-structured documents, and multilingual information.
He currently holds one of the prestigious Pionier grants, has published over 400 papers, has published or edited over a dozen books, is editor for various journals and book series, and until recently coordinated the evaluation efforts of the Crosslingual Web Track at CLEF. |
Thomas Deselaers is a postdoc at the the Computer Vision Laboratory of the ETH Zürich.
He received his diploma and his PhD degree from RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany in 2004 and 2008, respectively. From March 2004 to December 2008 he was a full time researcher at the Human Language Processing and Pattern Recognition Group of the Computer Science Department, where he has been the head of the image processing and understanding group since 2005.
In 2002 he was a visiting student researcher at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática at the Unversidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, in 2006 he was a research intern at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, and in 2008 he was visiting researcher at the Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain. Thomas is vice chair of the IAPR technical committee 5 and Co-organizer of the ImageCLEF image retrieval evaluation. His research interests are object classification and detection in complex scenes, content-based image retrieval, and pattern recognition. |
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio is assistant professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, Italy. His main research interests are probabilistic models and visualization approaches for automated text categorization and information retrieval; evaluation of information access systems; log analysis of digital library systems for personalization of contents. He is also interested in the area of Multilingual Information Retrieval and in particular in the study of new strategies to compensate for limited linguistic resources for multi-language retrieval tasks. |
Marcello Federico received the Laurea degree in Computer Science from University of Milan in 1987.
After he joined ITC-irst in Trento (Italy) where he has been a permanent researcher since 1991.
He is currently co-head of the Human Language Technology research unit at Fondazione B. Kessler, formerly ITC-irst, and consulting professor at the University of Trento. His research interests include statistical machine translation, spoken language translation, statistical language modelling, information retrieval, and speech recognition. His group has participated in several evaluation campaigns on cross-language IR (CLEF) and MT (NIST, IWSLT) and has contributed to the developed of popular open source software, for language modeling (IRSTLM) and statistical machine translation (Moses). |
Nicola Ferro is assistant professor in computer science at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, Italy. His main research interests are digital libraries and archives, their architectures and evaluation, and multilingual information access and its evaluation. He participates in national and international projects: SAPIR which deals with search in audio visual content using peer-to-peer information retrieval; TELplus which concerns the enhanchement of The European Library portal towards Europeana; TrebleCLEF which aims at providing best practices, collaboration, and evaluation for multilingual information access systems. He is involved in the coordination of the CLEF evaluation campaigns, and is co-organizing the Ad Hoc and Grid@CLEF tracks. He has published more than 50 papers on digital library architectures, interoperability, and services; multilingual information access and its experimental evaluation; the management of the scientific data produced during evaluation campaigns. |
Julio Gonzalo is assistant professor at UNED (Madrid) and a member of the Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing research group ( His main research interest is Intelligent Search, including search engines, search assistants, Natural Language Processing Tools for Text Mining and Retrieval, and evaluation methodologies and metrics. He has published over 90 papers on topics such as Multilingual Information Access, Information Synthesis and Summarization, Semantic Networks and Semantic Search, Clustering and Visualization of Search Results, Web People Search, etc. Since 2001 he has been co-organizer of the iCLEF track (, focused on the interactive aspects of Cross-Language Information Access, and his experience at iCLEF will be the basis for his lecture. For more information visit |
Gareth J. F. Jones is a faculty member in the School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland, where he is an Investigator in the Centre for Digital Video Processing and the SFI CSET Centre for Next Generation Localisation. He has previously held positions at the University of Cambridge and University of Exeter, U.K., as a Toshiba Fellow at the Toshiba Corporation Research and Development Center in Kawasaki, Japan, and as a visiting researcher with the Informedia project at Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A and a JSPS Visiting Fellow at the National Institute of Informatics, Toyko, Japan. He was awarded BEng and PhD degrees from the University of Bristol, U.K. His research is focused on topics in information retrieval. These include multilingual and cross-lingual IR, multimedia IR, speech retrieval, context-aware IR, and personal information search. His research is currently supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the European Commission.
Henning Müller studied medical informatics at the University of Heidelberg from 1992-1997 with a specialisation in signal and image processing. After a diploma thesis in the telemedicine project Chile he worked for six months at Daimler-Benz research and technology North America in Portland, OR, USA with a scholarship from the Carl Duisberg Society. From 1998-2002 he was a Ph.D student at the University of Geneva with a researh stay at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia in 2001. He received his Ph.D in content-based image retieval in 2002. Since 2002 he has been working at the Medical Informatics Service at the University Hospitals and the University of Geneva, where he started the medical image retrieval project medGIFT and initiated the medical image retrieval benchmark ImageCLEFmed. Since 2007 he is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre, while keeping a part-time research position in Medical Informatics in Geneva. |
Anselmo Peñas is Associate Professor in the School of Computing, Distance Learning University of Spain, where he is researcher in the UNED NLP & IR Group since 1998. He obtained the PhD degree with special distinction and award in 2002 and also holds the Award of the Spanish Society for the Natural Language Processing. He has participated in several European projects such as EuroWordNet, CLEF and TrebleCLEF projects, News Engine Web Services project (NEWS), or the European Schools Treasury Browser project (ETB). A. Peñas has a book on Linguistic Techniques applied to Information Retrieval and more than 60 research papers on this topic, with special interest in multilingualism, interactivity and evaluation. Currently, he coordinates the Question Answering Track at CLEF.
Mark Sanderson is a Reader in Information Retrieval (IR) at the University of Sheffield. His research interests are in the usability of searching systems, image retrieval, searching across different languages and evaluation of searching systems. Mark has raised over £4 million in research grant income to study these research areas and published his work extensively. A number of these publications have been cited over 100 times. He sits on the editorial board of four the major IR journals and is currently the programme co-chair of ACM SIGIR, the premier conference in the field. Along with Paul Clough, Mark was the co-founder of the highly successful imageCLEF track of CLEF. He taught tutorials on IR at ACM SIGIR in 2000 and 2001, for many year's on a Master course at "Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto" and at IR summer schools in Glasgow and Sydney.
Jacques Savoy is full Professor in Computer Science at University of Neuchatel (Switzerland). J. Savoy received a Ph.D. in quantitative economics from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in 1987. From 1987-92 he was on the faculty of Computer Science at the University of Montreal (Canada). His research interests cover mainly information retrieval for other languages than English (European, Asian, and Indian) as well as multilingual and cross-lingual information retrieval. He has participated for many years in various evaluations campaigns (CLEF, NTCIR and TREC) dealing with these questions. |
Páraic Sheridan is the Scientific & Operations Manager at the Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL) at Dublin City University. He holds an M.Sc. degree in Computer Applications from Dublin City University and an M.S. degree in Computational Linguistics from Carnegie Mellon. He completed his doctoral work in 1998 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich with a dissertation on the topic of Cross-Language Information Retrieval. Dr. Sheridan then joined TextWise LLC, a start-up company in Syracuse, NY which was a spin-out from Syracuse University. At TextWise he worked on the CINDOR cross-language search system, which was commercialised and marketed by TextWise in the enterprise search space. Dr. Sheridan is now at CNGL, a research centre spanning four Irish universities and nine industrial partners and funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and industrial contributions. CNGL is pursuing an ambitious five year research programme to provide the foundation for the next generation of localisation and currently consists of over 100 researchers in areas of Language Technology, Digital Content Management, Localisation, and Systems Frameworks.
Local Organisation
Francesca Borri graduated from the University of Pisa in 1997 with a degree in Languages and Literature and a specialization in Slavic Languages. She has been employed at the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa since 2000. She is Head of the Secretariat of the Department for Multimedia Information Systems and has been responsible for the administrative management of many European Commission projects. She is currently responsible for the administration of the TrebleCLEF and the SAPIR and CASPAR projects. She has managed a number of International Summer Schools including the series of DELOS Summer Schools. |